Farm Biosecurity and Hygiene.
What is biosecurity?
Biosecurity is the protection of the economy, the environment, public amenity or human health from the entry or spread of pests and diseases. It can apply at a national, state, district or farm level. Agriculture Victoria, together with the Victorian potato industry, has developed biosecurity protocols to prevent the entry or spread of potato cyst nematode (PCN) in Victorian potato production areas, whilst minimising restrictions to market access. The protocols include regulating the movement of potato plant materials and associated equipment and packaging.
Hygiene on the farm
Pests and diseases, including PCN can easily be moved onto and around properties in soil carried by vehicles, people, machinery and other equipment. Potato growers can reduce the risk of an outbreak of pests and diseases such as PCN or potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on their property by ensuring that they, their employees and visitors to their property follow some basic hygiene practices, for example:
Avoid driving on paddocks
Wash vehicles or equipment contaminated with soil before entering the property
Disinfect clothing and footwear contaminated with soil before entering the property
Accept only clean bins or bags onto the property
Install signs requesting visitors to stay on roads or paths or to ring ahead before entering the property
Have a designated area for visitors’ vehicles
use your own vehicles, machinery and equipment on your property - avoid sharing across properties
do not use contract machinery if it has not been properly cleaned
manage weeds and self-sown potatoes
plant seed from known PSTVd and PCN-free sources only
plant PCN-resistant varieties if possible
use paddock rotation in your production system
dispose of waste materials in a safe and hygienic manner.
Enquiries about potato movement regulations should be directed to Agriculture Victoria on (03) 8401 6900.
For more information on biosecurity, market access and farm hygiene, visit
To report a suspect detection of PCN or PSTVd.
email: or call 136 186.