How to Buy Seed.
Things to consider prior to buying seed potatoes:
The location of the seed as this will impact on delivery time and cost.
Specify your requirements clearly and as early as possible. Make sure that your specific requirements are understood and accepted prior to committing to a purchase.
If your order is to be supplied in your bins, you are required to complete a “Bin Cleanliness Declaration.” These are available from the grower, SPV or AuSPICA.
Within seven (7) days of delivery, inspect the seed and provide feedback to the grower/seller immediately. If you intend to cool store your seed, inspect it prior to refrigeration.
Direct Purchase from the Grower.
Read the Terms and Conditions of Sale (these are also in the printed Seed Buyers Guide).
If possible, take the time to visit the farm from which the seed will be produced. It may be beneficial to see the crop growing or watch it being harvested and graded.
Adhere to the payment terms as stipulated in the terms and conditions. This will encourage a healthy partnership between yourself and the seed grower.
Consider the benefits of using transport companies experienced in the business of carrying seed.
Contract Purchase.
Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the terms of the contract prior to commitment.
Contracts are usually agreed and settled prior to November in the year preceding the year of harvest.
Purchase via a Merchant
Merchants are a ‘one stop shop’ for the supply and delivery of your seed requirements. Merchants have extensive knowledge of various growers and their produce.
Your relationship is between the merchant and yourself. you are purchasing under the merchant’s terms and conditions.